Where do I start? Things have been a bit crazy around our home lately to say the least! I am back, since that first sentence, from cleaning up a HUGE mess. One of my sweet little girls was getting a drink all by herself out of the fridge and knocked a glass jar of milk all over the floor and from changing a very stinky diaper that was well over due from needing to be changed and from catching the little stinky boy just in time from cutting his foot on the glass and having to console the little girl who broke the glass and having to explain to ALL of her sisters and brothers what happened!! I know, run on sentence but that is actually how my life has felt the past few months:-) oh yeah, I did not act as I should have during all of that drama either. I went to my bedroom and cried out to God for help. He wants me to do that more than I do. I went back into the kitchen and apologized for being upset with my daughter and took over the cleaning. Now I have a little girl who learned her mommy is not perfect and how to apologize.
First let me start by saying I do not do it alone. I have my wonderful husband who is just amazing with our children. He works hard to provide for us then comes home to do some of the homeschool with the kids, plays with them, reads to them, leads our family in worship and devotions, helps cook, loves me and on and on I could go. I also do not do anything in my own strength but by Jesus! He gives me the breath to breathe when I get up, the ability to love my husband and my children and the joy that can only come from Him!! Mothers, whether you have one or several children, it is hard sometimes. Why, because we have this thing called flesh or as we call it around here the ''Me Monster". We want our day to go well from the time we wake up till the time we hit our pillows at night. If your children are like my children ( normal ) than that is not going to happen. My children are just that, children. They need to play, learn, be corrected, be trained, and learn how to get along with others. I need to wake up every morning with the knowledge that my kids are going to sin today just as I will! My God forgives me and I will try to do the same. We need joy from our Father so we can have joy shining through us for our children and the world..
So, if you happen to see me out somewhere with all of my children, know that I am just like you but with just a few more diapers to change, babies to nurse and noses to clean:-) We love each and every one of our children, they are a blessing from from God.. We have a very high calling as parents to train our children up in the way they should go.
I have alot of moms ask me advice on things, which I love helping if I know the answer, but the first thing I would tell moms who are weary is to go to Jesus for your help. He loves you and cares about your smallest problems. The second would be to love your husbands. They were there first before your kids:-) Your children will learn more from that than anything else! I am still learning everyday what it means to be a great mom. Each child is different and unique. So love on your husbands and on your beautiful children that God has blessed you with and the next time they "interrupt" your day, smile and thank God that He gave you that little person:-)
I have rambled to much now but lack of sleep( due to a baby who wants to nurse all night) will do that to any mommy brain:-) We are going to a lake house for a week with our kids and my neice and nephew. We are so excited to be spending time with them. I guess I better be getting packed up and cleaned up around here. Have a wonderful week.
~ Joli ~
Oh Jolie, I hear your sweet heart in this post, and I have to laugh at the mayhem that ensues as you try to write....lol. We have all been there at some point!Thank you for your transparency, that is what I always look for in a blog. Although I can't share all the sin that goes on at my house, as it often involves those I love most,and am called to protect, I hope I do share enough that I mislead others in to thinking I have it all together. That would be very far from the truth!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sweet comments on my blog, they have encouraged me much. I too wish we had gotten to know each other more while we were there.
I miss seeing your beautiful family in the pews ahead.