Since the birth, Joli has started to do much better and her liver enzymes are steadily going down. She is gaining her strength and appetite back and feels great even though she isn't sleeping that much. Eden has been struggling with jaundice and we have had to go back and forth daily to the lab to get her heel stuck and test her blood for bilirubin levels. She has been on a bili blanket for a few days and will be on one for the remainder of the weekend. Considering all things though, we are so thankful that God is working in us for His glory through this all. She is so beautiful and when the lethargy of the jaundice goes away, she is going to be a spitfire. She will need to be being the youngest of 9. :)
God is so good and we are thankful for our newest arrow. May He grant us the wisdom and grace to raise her to be a woman who loves Him with all of her heart!!